4th Annual Jack Hillhouse Double Grass Memorial Tournament
You can pay the day of the tournament
or mail to 2766 S. Sheridan Blvd Denver, CO 80227
Sudden Impact VBC would like you to come out and enjoy some fun in the sun this summer. We are hosting a doubles grass volleyball tournament, and would love to have you join us.
Where: 3800 S. Pierce Denver, CO 80235 Sports Fields locate in the back. Stay left at the fork of the entry driveway and head to the back of the campus.
Date: Saturday, June 23, 2018 Team Cost: $50 adults; $40 juniors
Entry deadline: TBA Walk up teams Welcome. A $10 late registration fee will be added!
Check In and Start Time We work hard to start on time. This is dependent upon you, the player, being there on time. Registration Check In is from 7:30AM to 8:15AM. When you arrive onsite, check in first, then setup your area. We understand accidents happen and cause delays. If this is the case, call us and let us know so the tournament is not being held up. Tournament start time is 8:30AM.
Levels: Coed Doubles / Doubles Juniors Girls 18&U, 16&U, 15&U, 14&U, 13&U
Our Grass format is a very unique, complex format. Almost twice as many games are played in the same amount of time as an Old School Doubles tournament. With pool play and managing win/loss/points data for each team, the day is as long as it is equally enjoyable for everyone. The first 3 below, are the "big ones", the rest are identical to Old School Doubles rules.
Rally Scoring.
Court is a "big" court, not a short court.
No Net serves. If your serve hits the net to any degree, you lose serve and it goes to your opponent.
A block does not count as a hit.
At no time can a player touch the net. Hair and clothing is permissible to touch the net. Hats and shoes are not allowed to touch the net. If you touch the net after the ball is down and it's part of your follow-through, it's a net violation.
You can not open hands pass a serve.
You can open hands pass an offensive driven ball only if the ball is hit on a continuous downward path (sometimes called "hard driven") from point of contact from the offensive player; your pass MUST come out clean (no double contact). If the offensive driven ball arcs at all and you use your open hands to pass it, its a violation.
If you open hands set over the net, 1) it must be square to your shoulders, and 2) it can not make more than 1 rotation. If BOTH of these things do not happen, its a violation. If only one of these things happen, its a violation.
If there are too few teams to fill a division, teams will be combined with another division for pool play.
Send entry to Justine Hancock, 2766 S. Sheridan Blvd Denver, CO 80227
Make checks payable to Sudden Impact VBC. Questions call (720)-347-0222